The Employment Services web portal is being taken down for emergency essential maintenance. ‘MySBSPay’ app remains available.

A further update will be issued once maintenance is completed.

Contact Us

Please select the appropriate contact form option to ensure your enquiry reaches the right person who can asset you promptly and effectively. Whether it’s regarding one of our services or additional supplier information, choosing the correct category will help us direct your message to the most relevant department.

"*" indicates required fields


Find the locations of the offices of NHS Shared Business Services across the UK


2 College Square
Anchor Road
United Kingdom


NHS Shared Business Services,
1st Floor, Munroe Court
White Rose Office Park
Millshaw Park Lane
LS11 0EA
United Kingdom


Floor 9,
8 Exchange Quay,
M5 3EH


Please use the following address when visiting our office.

Electric Works
Sheffield Digital Campus
S1 2BJ
United Kingdom

All post needs to be sent to the following address:

NHS Shared Business Services
Payroll Department,
1st Floor, Munroe Court
White Rose Office Park
Millshaw Park Lane
LS11 0EA
United Kingdom


Please use the following address when visiting our office.

NHS Shared Business Services,
Employment Services
2nd Floor, Building 3
Waterside Place
SO14 2AQ
United Kingdom

All post needs to be sent to the following address:

Payroll Department, 1st Floor, Munroe Court
White Rose Office Park
Millshaw Park Lane
LS11 0EA
United Kingdom

NHS SBS Telephone Numbers

We are keen to ensure your query reaches the right person, first time. Please find contact details for NHS SBS departments.


New Customers:

0161 212 3701

Transactional Procurement

We have a number of options for our Transactional Procurement service and full details can be found on our Telephony Map (PDF)

0303 123 1177

Learn More >

Procurement Suppliers

If you would like to find out how your company can work with our Procurement team to supply goods and services to NHS Trusts, please visit our Framework Agreement Suppliers Information pages.

0303 123 1177

Employment Services

Please contact us via our Self-Service Portal in the first instance. Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions and raise and track any queries directly with our dedicated payroll and pensions teams.

0303 123 1144

Finance and Accounting

We have a number of options for our Finance & Accounting service and full details can be found on our Telephony Map.

0303 123 1177

Learn More >

Suppliers to NHS SBS Clients

If you are a company that has provided goods and services to our clients and have a general enquiry about payment and how we can work together more effectively, in the first instance please check the Suppliers section of this website to see whether the answer to your question is available.

0303 123 1177

Collections Service

Please email with your query – don’t forget include your customer and invoice number to help assist you.

Request copy invoices:

0303 123 1155

CCG/ CSU Commissioning Services

If you would like to find out more about how our services can help your CCG / CSU commissioning services more efficiently, please contact our Procurement team.

0161 212 3701

Media & PR

Press and media enquiries only should be directed to Alex Curling.  These contact details are for members of the media only.

Tel: 07801 917139

Compliments & Complaints

Let us know what you think of NHS Shared Business Services and the services we offer.