NHS Shared Business Services welcomes workforce plan

NHS Shared Business Services, the country’s leading provider of corporate services to the National Health Service, has welcomed the recently published NHS Long Term workforce plan.

The plan, published last week, outlines the actions that will be taken to strengthen the NHS workforce, boost productivity, and address the changing needs of patients over the next 15 years.

Erika Bannerman, Managing Director of NHS SBS, said:

“Despite greater investment than ever before, productivity in the NHS is staying stubbornly low. I welcome the government’s workforce plan, which details ways of addressing this, including a huge investment in training and a strong focus on using Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation  to automate back-office tasks. This is something we are already progressing – for example, one of our bots, nicknamed ‘Steve’, is saving staff at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust 173 hours of work every week.

“These efficiencies will accelerate when we launch a next-generation of Integrated Single Financial Environment in 2024 – a single platform for the entire NHS, with inbuilt automation providing time and cost savings.”
