A solution to support NHS Elective Recovery

Tackling NHS elective recovery targets is challenging when faced with a backlog of patient appointments and limited capacity to deliver services. 

Waiting lists continue to grow at a rate hospitals find challenging. At 7.6 million, the number of treatments and the 6.4 million people waiting for them remains stubbornly high. The latest NHS figures show 41% have already waited longer than 18 weeks, while 282,664 people in England have been waiting more than a year. Lord Darzi’s recent independent investigation states that the NHS must rebuild its capacity to get more people off waiting lists and back into work.

Our Elective Care Combined Framework Agreement Solution provides additional capacity to help see more patients, more quickly within your trust, with the option of utilising out of hours care providers.

It includes artificial intelligence imaging and teleradiology services too, which helps to speed up diagnosis and release resource to focus on patient care.

Elective Recovery Framework Solutions Banner showing Young female nurse help patient man walk with walker careful at hospital. African American female nurse caring patient man walking with walker

What's included:

The Elective Recovery Combined Framework Agreement Solution groups four framework agreements that, together, can support your achievement of NHSE elective recovery targets:

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Imaging and Radiotherapy Equipment, Associated Products and Diagnostic Imaging

Methods and processes that improve diagnosis and reduce workload through AI.

Clinical Managed Services including Managed Maintenance Services

Specialist providers can deliver services for you, increasing the volume of patients that can be seen, helping to address the backlog and release resources.

Insourcing of Clinical Services

Third party care providers deliver care to your patients out of hours, on your premises, reducing the backlog and increasing capacity.

Reporting Services: Teleradiology

Benefit from quicker turnaround of medical imagining scans, supporting early diagnosis and improved patient pathways.

Browse our Combined Framework Agreement Solutions

Our Combined Framework Agreement Solutions are groups of framework agreements that, together, support you in achieving key NHS targets and objectives. Browse the solutions below.

Contact us to see how our Elective Recovery Combined Framework Agreement Solution can support you

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