Payroll & Pensions

Cost-effective, scalable payroll, pension and associated workforce solutions, providing a frictionless employee experience, supporting staff wellbeing, releasing time for more valuable tasks, and delivering insights at individual, team, organisation and system levels to inform and support data-led decision making.

  • Streamlined, automated transactional processes
  • Optimal non-pay savings, improved functionality and a better user experience via state-of-the-art technology
  • ICS-based and organisational-level analytics & reporting across total spend, all suppliers, individual contracts and all assets to enhance visibility, control and inform strategic decision making


paid to NHS employees each month


employees every month


pensions records managed

A cost-effective, scalable payroll, pension and associated workforce solutions

NHS Shared Business Services’ suite of cost-effective payroll, pension and associated workforce solutions are fully scalable to respond to changes in demand across ICSs. They integrate seamlessly to provide a frictionless employee experience, support staff wellbeing and release time for more valuable tasks. The insight they provide at individual, team, organisation and system levels informs and supports data-led decision making.

An ISAE3402 and ISO9001 accredited supplier, our Payroll and Pensions solutions deliver:

Best practice ways of working

Best-practice services at costs individual organisations can’t match

A payroll accuracy rate of 99.8%

Minimising the time employees waste correcting errors, and the demands on in-house HR and payroll teams

Meaningful insights

At all levels from best-in-class data analytics for robust decision making

Flexible Service Scaling

The ability to scale service provision up or down

Robust Performance Assurance

A resilient, reliable, service, even at times of significant system pressures

Achieve Healthcare Objectives

meet the combined challenges of ICS creation, the NHS People Plan, the Long Term Plan and the Triple Aim

Why Partner with us?

We add value through the development and implementation of high-quality, cost effective corporate services, providing a level of innovation and efficiency which would be impossible for an organisation to deliver in isolation.

Enquire today

Integrated Care System Case Studies

The success stories below show how our NHS partners can overcome the day-to-day challenges they face in the back and middle office.

As a trusted partner for the public sector for 20 years, find out how we can help improve your public services

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