Strategic Procurement Leadership

The Long Term Plan commits the NHS to a productivity growth target of at least 1.1% a year, with all savings to be retained and reinvested in more and better patient care. The development and implementation of a robust procurement strategy, together with a strong procurement profile within your organisation, is critical to the delivery of this national objective and local targets.

The Strategic Procurement Leadership service from NHS Shared Business Services

The Strategic Procurement Leadership service from NHS Shared Business Services:

Bespoke procurement vision

Embeds highly-skilled, strategic leaders in your organisation, or a group of collaborative organisations, to develop and deliver a bespoke procurement vision and strategy – including identification of your strategic fit in the regional and national landscape

Robust savings

Seeks commercial opportunities with senior stakeholders, building strong links into procurement, to develop a project pipeline to deliver robust savings


Re-energises procurement to drive forward a best-in-class agenda

Strategic Procurement Leadership


– our highly experienced, MCIPS qualified leaders bring a deep understanding of best practice
– driving high standards and value for money, and giving you the reassurance and confidence you need in your procurement function.


– we tailor our service to suit your strategic objectives, ensuring results are delivered against your key priorities.


– our experts are embedded in your organisation, so your service looks and feels like an in-house function, delivering against your organisation’s local objectives and values and those of your local communities and partnerships – with the added benefit of support, skills and expertise from the wider NHS SBS family.


– NHS SBS works alongside around 40% of NHS organisations so our teams have an in-depth understanding of the national NHS landscape and experience of working in all types of NHS organisations. So you can be confident your service will be fully aligned with all national requirements, standards and initiatives.


– our work is monitored throughout delivery to ensure sustainable, tangible results, including the identification of additional savings and efficiencies opportunities
– ensuring we represent value for money to your organisation.


– our leaders are experienced at working at senior level with a variety of organisations so they’re able to engage with stakeholders effectively and deliver change at scale and pace.


– the Strategic Procurement Leadership service can be combined with other NHS SBS procurement services for added value.

Why Partner with us?

We add value through the development and implementation of high-quality, cost effective corporate services, providing a level of innovation and efficiency which would be impossible for an organisation to deliver in isolation.

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As a trusted partner for the public sector for 20 years, find out how our experts can help improve your public services.

More Procurement Services

Whatever your procurement challenge, you can be sure our procurement experts able to meet it.