Information for Framework Agreement Suppliers

Information about how to register for contract opportunities and details about the types of goods and services procured by NHS SBS on behalf of NHS and wider public sector organisations.

Contracting Opportunities

How to become a supplier on our framework agreements

NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) is a provider of procurement services to the NHS and wider public sector organisations. We have a team of procurement specialists for sourcing Healthcare products and services as well as Corporate Services including Office and IT, Estates & Facilities and Capital to name just a few. Given the nature of these organisations there is a requirement to follow a compliant procurement process, in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) (the “Public Contracts Regulations”).


NHS SBS advertises tender opportunities electronically on Find a Tender and Contracts Finder. The links explain how and where to register to ensure opportunities are not missed.

Our E-procurement system

We have changed our system to SAP Ariba. All our contracting opportunities are published on Find a Tender Service, Contracts Finder and in the near future on SAP Business Network. You will soon be asked to register on the SAP Ariba Network where you will be able to register your expressions of interest in an opportunity/contract as well as download key procurement documents. This eTendering service and our eTendering helpdesk are provided free of charge to suppliers.


Benefits of working with NHS SBS

The NHS is one of the world’s biggest and most complex organisations. As a result, finding a way to market your goods and services isn’t always easy. We believe there are significant benefits to suppliers working with NHS SBS. This includes:

  • Ability for customers to directly award to suppliers on the framework
  • Simplified tendering processes
  • Access to a large public sector market through national collaboration
  • More commitment based arrangements
  • An entry point for innovation


Our Clients

Our contracts are used by a variety of public sector organisations including NHS organisations (Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Commissioning Support Units (CSUs)) as well as Fire & Rescue, Police, Education, Charities, Central Government, Housing Associations, Local Authorities and many more.

Currently there are 2,274 approved organisations that have access to the NHS SBS Framework Agreement portfolio and as such, can utilise any NHS SBS Framework Agreement whenever required.


Why Partner with us?

Created as a unique joint venture with the Department of Health and Social Care, our sole purpose is to deliver the most cost effective and highest quality shared services to the NHS. Our scale and scope are unparalleled.

Enquire Today

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